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Truck Drivers

We Help Employers in this business fill the following positions:

  • Long-haul truck drivers
  • International transportation truck drivers
  • inter-provincial truck divers
  • In-province truck divers

Talke to an Immigration Expert:

Your Path

We help you make dicisions in which channel is the most suitable for your business.

Faster Pace

You may find your foreign worker faster with our assistance, including providing pre-screened candidates. 

Lmia and WP

the application of LMIA, WP, and PR, will be prepared and submitted professionally.

Don't know where to start?

Contact our immigration experts today!

Why Choose Us?

Experience and Efficiency

Rich experience enable us to work in an efficient way for employers and job seekers.

Reason 2
Lower Cost

The economics of scale allow us to provide services with a competitive pricing polocy.

Reason 3
Lawful Moves

We stick to Canadian legislations and regulations. Meanwhile, we value the needs of employers.

Leave your info, and let us contact you:


Canadian employers, employer job categories